The most hated question in January must be, “How’s your New Year’s resolutions going?” Well if it was anything to do with alcohol we’re here to help you back on that wagon. Even our Sheena has climbed aboard, keeping dry in her own inventive way! So if Dry January seems like a laughable resolution, or you’ve been trying but hit the wall (or the bottle). Please read on…

Some would say “what’s the point?”. Either you want ‘a drink’ or you don’t. But I liken choosing non-alcoholic to drinking decaf coffee. There’s a psychological hit. And if you are not getting the chemical hit there’s gotta be something else to bang on about. Is it the taste ? The label ? Or maybe the fact that choosing this six pack might also assist you with creating your own? Oh yeah, and you can drive home and not act like a spoon if you drink too much.
Punk AF (0.5%) has a third of the calories than it’s original boozy version. It comes in cans or single bottles. Good if you’d like to test before you invest. Brew Dog say they create it without the alcohol. There’s something more appealing about this than removing it afterwards. It seems like such a waste (of time, energy and booze).
If you’re more of a wine drinker how about Hardy’s Non-alcoholic Chardonnay. With 160 years under their winegrowers belt, I’d trust them to make a very drinkable substitute. And they do! If bubbles is more your thing link through to my December post on Mindful Indulgence. There’s some reds there too.
Our last non alcoholic, alcohol suggestion is pretty exciting. Feragaia is Scotland’s first distilled alcohol-free spirit. The company, based in Fife: say
“Feragaia is an amber-hued, original expression that is not trying to be anything but itself. Balancing citrus and herbaceous aromatics, that build to an earthy warming finish“.
You can have it neat, on the rocks, with any kind of mixer or use it in mocktails. Or maybe to calm your cocktails? ; )))

No need to hide these lovely tinnies in a brown paper bag. Cawston Press and Whole Earth both have a fabulous wide range of fruity drinks that can make you feel pretty ‘spesh’ without the booze. Whole Earth have an organic variety including Sparkling Ginger and Elderflower. Folkingtons range of sustainably sourced fruit and flora is all grown on small community run farms in Spain. Cloudy pear with a splash of pineapple juice on ice served with any kind of cheese is pretty magic. I can’t finish this section without mentioning Mr Fitzpatrick cordial range. Especially the iron brew! It’s Caffeine Free, Dairy Free, Egg Free, Fat Free, Gelatine Free and Gluten Free. But supposedly contains iron. Not from girders though.

I do love a Bloody Mary, the proper Scottish kind with Sherry. I’ve had shocked looks from barmen beyond this isle when I’ve queried its’ omission. It’s one of my favourites. And even without the alcohol it can still cut the mustard. Hmm, that’s not a bad idea, tabasco, worcester sauce, citrus wedge …and mustard? Anything that keeps it kicking. Big Tom‘s drop already has spice, while Folkington’s have kept it pure.

If you want to take this healthy drinking thing to the next level, considering the nurturing effect of The Mother. And with this I mean the drinks made using the ‘live mother culture’. They are supposedly very good for your gut. Just don’t think about Alien (especially when you click the link). Ooops here’s the right link. See what I mean?
I’ve tried to make my own Kombucha. You just need tea, sugar and the mother (sometimes called a scoby) which is actually a bacteria. It’s a lot of work compared to pulling the tap on the You & I Kombucha in The Mart Farm Shop. They also have it in 3 different flavours. I have the orange and vanilla one in my fridge at the moment (sealed tightly with a chain round it).
Agua De Madre is made in a similar way but fermenting with organic fruits instead of tea. They describe it as “naturally sparkling, low sugar & vegan” with a “comforting” amount of probiotic live culture!
So if you’re feeling brave and keen to try Dry January instead of the old dry heave, I hope this post helps make it a less of a laughable resolution.